Film Director & Producer.

Overcreative filmmaker from Germany,
focussing on story and sound.

Leonardo Re

I love great sound and enjoy telling stories visually, so I aim to create immersive audio-visual worlds.

With professional work experience in the United Kingdom and Germany and excellent language skills I am able to work in either language and know my way around crewing differences in those countries.

Currently, I am combining my passions for filmmaking and web development into my venture freispace, a resource scheduling tool for TV & media post-production as founder and CEO.

A Dinner to Remember

Germany 2025, 47 min, 4K
Director, Producer

Maike is now Mike. But the revelation of multiple explosive truths does not exactly render this dinner with friends the ideal evening for coming out.

Pornos gibt’s im Kiosk

Germany 2018, 4 min, 4K
Director, Producer

A bookseller is challenged by an odd customer on a mission.


Germany 2018, 18 min, 2K 2.35
Director, Producer

Germany 1945. Two siblings seek refuge in an uninhabited lodge but soon face weird occurences.

Gespräche mit Günter Gelb

Germany 2016, 5 min, PAL B/W 4:3
Director, Producer

“Conversations with Gunter Gelb” is a hommage to the German talk shows of the 1960s – with a pinch of modern communication skills.

▶ Watch on Amazon Instant Video


GB / Germany 2014, 10 min, HD 1080p 2.35
Director, Producer

An atmospheric drama about a man’s apathy and his death.

▶ Watch on Amazon Instant Video

Darwin Lynch

Germany 2011-2013, 10 min, HD 1080p
Director, Producer

Suicide is not for beginners.
Darwin learns it the hard way while trying to set an end to his life in the coziness of a premium-class hotel room.


GB 2012, 6 min, HD 1080p
Director, Producer

John goes to confront his father in an attempt to save their relationship.

Endless Darkness

Germany / GB 2012, 09:07, HD 1080p
Director, Producer, Editor

An attempt to visualize depression and the various emotions connected to it.


Germany 2011-2015, 29 min, HD 1080p
Director, Producer, Editor

“Ouch! - A bank robbery like no other” is the story of an unlucky fellow who eventually robs a bank.

Dog’s Life

Germany 2010, 2 min, Super-8 18fps

Experimental DocuFiction.
Music improvised (live) on first screening.